Thursday, January 10, 2008

Odds and Ends

Pet peave of the day
People using the word "advise" when they really mean to say "advice." I see this on message boards all of the time. Advice is a noun. Advise is a verb. If you're seeking advice I would advise you to use the correct word.

Not much to write about today; I'm a bit subdued. So I'll pass on a couple of things that were sent to me recently.

Thanks to my friend Bronwen I now I have a new drinking game to go along with my current political obsessions! It was posted today on the City Weekly blog.

  • Drink anytime someone refers to Clinton's teary moment in NH as "crying," "sobbing," "weepy," or "contrived."

  • Take a drink for every "magical negro" reference to Obama.

  • Take one drink anytime someone calls Clinton "shrill" or "screechy."

  • Chug one whenever you hear of, see, or read Maureen Dowd. Always.

  • Two drinks anytime anyone expresses the sentiment that Edwards is at a disadvantage because he isn't black or female.

  • Take a shot when a pundit refers to Clinton as (or implies she is) a nagging bitch or cackling witch.

  • Drink for any lamenting that white-dude voters are being ignored.

  • Take a healthy gulp every time someone describes Obama as "clean" or "articulate."

  • Take two shots whenever someone implies that women only vote with their vaginas.
Warning: Do not watch Chris Matthews under any circumstances--doing so could induce alcohol poisoning.

I love a good drinking game! The funny thing is you can turn just about anything into a drinking game. Like the time Derek and I rigged a drinking game during the Winter Olympics. It was datenight and there was ice skating on, but it was on a time delay. I don't remember all of the rules, but the best rule was you had to take a shot every time someone fell. Derek and I cheated and looked up the results online before devising the rules; we found out that several of the skaters fell. Well Sasha Cohen fell twice in one performance! I think there were about 6 falls total. Needless to say, it was a good night. Thank you Sasha!

I know some of my readers (AKA: geeks) enjoy comic books so here's an interesting link on comic book characters' religions. Props to Sonny, one of my favorite geeks, for sending that along.

I'm excited that Gray's Anatomy comes back on tonight...I hope it doesn't suck. Not much else going on.


sweber said...

i stopped watching grey's anatomy after george and izzy got together. i just can't handle it anymore.

Jessica said...

I didn't end up watching it last night anyway. It probably sucked.

D-Rock said...

We got d-runk that night, thanks to the wobbly legs of America's and Russia's finest.