Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Indivisible: One nation, under God?

Very bad start to the year. Here's what I had to eat today: a few caramel praline things someone brought into work and 3 venti lattes. I received no less than 6 Starbucks gift certificates for Christmas, so I used one today. Makes for good nutrition.

Speaking of coffee...I was driving to work this morning, sipping on my first latte of the day when I heard a bizarre commercial on the radio. It was this woman talking about how Salty Peaks (a snowboard/skateboard shop in SLC) supports America. Okay. Then this woman goes on to say that the President, yes our very own George W. Bush, is in cahoots with Mexico and Canada to form a North American Union. Apparently this is akin to the European Union and instead of the Euro, the Amero will soon be replacing the American dollar. I seriously thought this was a joke at first, but this woman was completely serious. Listen to this nonsense here (except it's a guy in this ad).

So I do a little research on google. I find this website Stop the North American Union and I was appalled by the content. It's basically a bunch of racist bullshit meant to put fear in the hearts of all red blooded God fearing Americans: our "freedom" is at risk! I guess all the evil doers are in Mexico now. I especially liked how they only show pictures of the Mexicans that will be taking over our country, not the Canadians. Could this be because Mexicans are easy to pick out based solely on the color of their skin? Hmmmmm. Or maybe it's because they speak a different language than English, hence the "Using bilingualism to subvert America" link. Notice there's no mention of Canadians speaking French. Double hmmmmm.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this somehow involves Ron Paul.

Who is Ron Paul? I have not been amused with Ron Paul since September. Besides the fact that I don't really agree with his Libertarian politics (although he's seeking the Republican nomination), he ruined my dinner at the George and Dragon with Sarah and Kim. All I was trying to do was enjoy my Guinness and my cheeseburger and all these crazy Ron Paul supporters kept yelling about a debate on TV. Not cool.

And speaking of nominations...I'm very excited for the Iowa caucus tomorrow!! It will be interesting to see what plays out between Mitt and Huckabee. I was intrigued to hear that Dennis Kucinich (my first choice) gave an endorsement of sorts to Barack yesterday. He made a statement to his supporters in Iowa that if he didn't meet the viability threshold of 15%, that he hoped they would support Obama as their second choice. SO progressive (and he has a hot wife)!

"I hope Iowans will caucus for me as their first choice this Thursday,
because of my singular positions on the war, on health care, and
trade. This is an opportunity for people to stand up for themselves.
But in those caucus locations where my support doesn't reach the
necessary threshold, I strongly encourage all of my supporters to make
Barack Obama their second choice. Sen. Obama and I have one thing in
common: Change."

Song of the day on repeat: This Modern Love, Bloc Party


Violet said...

God forbid we get along with Canada and Mexico! I'm so tired of crazy people. Can't wait to see who pulls forward in Iowa (please don't let it be Huckabee.)

bronwenc said...

I second your comments about Salt Peaks. I will never, ever buy from there again based on their fear mongering advertisements. There is the teensiest amount of truth in their ads and a ton of conjecture. I do admire how it manages to skewer both democrats and republicans.

Anonymous said...

This was on X96 Sunday and right after the ad played the DJ said "Yeah I'll be the first to say it, that ad has to go" funny stuff.

on a side note .... something very scary. Mike "I don't believe in evolution" Huckabee wins the Iowa caucus! Then again would Mitt be any better?

Hillary and Obama are going to have to "nut up" and do something big, because as we all know those Jesus freaks come out in mass!