Monday, January 7, 2008

Datenight Debauchery

I was looking through my pictures today and I ran across a bunch of old datenight pictures. Talk about a wave of nostalgia! For me it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Warning: some of the pics might be a little scary for some of you. Just know we're all past this phase of our lives. As Allen told me the other day, "After college, it's called alcoholism."

For those of you who don't know...datenight was a weekly party on Thursday nights up at the house on Cortez Street. It started innocently enough in August 2004 when I moved in with Jed. It just so happened that Jed, his friend Allen and I had hung out for 3 Thursdays in a row. We were all single and joked we were each other's dates and after that Thursdays were just known as datenight. The ironic thing is, most of time no one ever brought dates. There was A LOT of drinking, A LOT of laughing and the occassional throw down. Here are some of the highlights...

Here's the kitchen where most of the debauchery took place


Quarters+Boone's Farm Blue Hawaiian=A Happy Jed

One time the dude from Adventures in Babysitting (Anthony Rapp) stopped by to play King's Cup

Allen and I made this beer bong!!

We didn't inhale!

It's just water! Oh Cherilyn...

Some nights were pretty long...

Jed often fell over from laughing so hard

There are no words...

We broke Pouya in a little bit

My sister Aimee joined in on the fun when she was in town

Derek always had this way of looking drunk, even when he wasn't

Sometimes we took field trips. Like the time that Spencer and his crazy friends put a spell on our house so we had to go visit the Virgin Mary tree to help ward off evil spirits

We had some awesome BBQs

Derek and Jeff J showing off their dancing abilities (I'm pretty sure that Jeff J is looking at himself in the window)

Datenight Dave, Jed, Scott, Doug

Scott (with taquito in hand!), Jed, Patti, Mitch

Derek taking one for the team in King's Cup with Logan

Scott liked to look pretty for he is primping

Mont could do 3 beers at a time!

As you can see, we had a lot of fun. Sometimes too much fun, if there is such a thing. Sadly, like all good things, datenight came to an end. Jed moved to New York, Derek moved to Seattle and I moved to the Avenues. I will always remember those Thursdays fondly, but I'm glad I don't (or is that can't?) party like that anymore. Man, I'm old!


Anonymous said...

Anthony Rapp! So jealous!

sweber said...

Where's the pic of you and Jed making out? And Scottie looks super young!

Jessica said...

I can't tell you how many e-mails I recevied asking for the make out picture. You people are perverted!