Tuesday, January 1, 2008

"I thought Dick Clark was dead!"

Happy New Year!! The past few years I have had terrible New Year's Eve celebrations, with last year being the very worst. So this year, my goal was to make my New Year's as drama free as possible. It was a success! I watched some football (what was up with Auburn's no huddle offense??), introduced my mom to Superbad, got in some bonding time with Paige and Nolan (bonding=Taco Bell and watching Kenny and Spenny) and had a lovely brunch at The Oyster Bar. I did experience some drama when Sarah called to tell me she passed out in a restaurant, but it turns out she had food poisoning and is recovering today. I was bit worried about Dick Clark though. Did anyone see his countdown last night? He did not look or sound well. My mom thought it was some kind of Saturday Night Live spoof, but of course it wasn't and then we couldn't stop laughing at poor Dick Clark. We might go straight to hell.

I can't believe it's 2008! In the words of my movie alter ego, Bridget Jones, "New Year's resolution: Keep New Year's resolutions."

While this list is far from comprehensive, it's a good start. In 2008 I resolve to:

Be kinder to myself; I am my own worst critic
Do the dishes in a timely manner
Finish watching the AFI Top 100 Films
Get to the gym more often (I only went once in December and that was to sit in the hot tub with Derek)
Be more patient and less judgmental
Cook at home more
Get rid of the pile of CDs in my living room
Eat more vegetables

I look forward to a great year making new memories with all of you! :)


Chris said...

Wait, Dick Clark isn't dead?

Leslie said...

Yes, I did watch Dick Clark. Mike said he looked and sounded like he'd had a stroke (and he would know since he just finished his month of stroke rehab) so don't laugh you mean beast! Ha ha! By the way, did I mention that you look FANTASTIC?

Jessica said...

I know, I AM mean! Actually I was really laughing at my mom because she really thought he was dead....and it just went on from there. It did seem like he had a stroke.

Chris said...

He had a stroke in 2004.

Jed said...

I like your list of resolutions. I think mine would be very similar.

Anonymous said...

I love some DC! He is so well preserved, I hope all my surgeries hold up that well! ;)

D-Rock said...

Yep...you all got it right. Dick Clark suffered sustained a cerebral vascular accident a few years back. His speech remains moderately-severely dysarthric. But, judging from 2007, it looks like they really worked on his presentation this time around making him a lot more intelligible. Yay for speech-language pathology!