Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday Shmursday

I'm so glad to be back to work. Work is the only thing over which I have complete control; it keeps me sane. I'm such a creature of habit...I really need structure and a routine. Having too much time on my hands is a bad, bad thing. FYI: I'm listening to Neil Young, After the Gold Rush as I write my blog tonight. If you have it, turn in on...set the mood.

I went to lunch at the Dodo today with my old friend Leslie. Leslie and I met in 2nd grade, grew up in the same ward, watched Weekend at Bernies about a hundred times, partied in Europe in 1993 and have always kept in touch. I had such a great time! It had been a few months since we last saw each other, but we always pick up right where we left off. Leslie, the Republican. Jess, the Democrat. We managed to keep it civil.

We commiserated over our love/hate relationship with technology. How did life get so complicated? Remember when the best way to check up on people was to prank call them or do an old fashioned drive by? Not that I ever did either of those things. Just kidding...did you know me in junior high?? Seriously though, now you can google anyone and they can google your ass right back. It's kind of creepy if you think about it too long.

There was some talk about politics, the Iowa caucus, the power of voting. We reminisce about a scene from The Breakfast Club:
Andrew: "Why do you need a fake ID?"
Brian: "So I can vote!"

Voting would have been the only reason Leslie and I would have needed fake IDs in high school. We're dorks. There was some other serious talk. She's in a quandary. I'm in a quandary. Totally different situations, but we could relate to each other's story and range of emotions.

At work today I had my iPod on shuffle and a few oldies popped up that made me smile. It was like music karma or something.

Last Night, The Strokes
I totally remember the first time I ever heard this song. January 2002, they were playing on some late night show; I think it was Conan. I lived in the ghetto. I was in love with a law student named Adam. I don't talk to Adam anymore, but he used to make me smile too.

Late For the Sky, Jackson Browne
This is actually a really, really, really sad song. It didn't make me smile. However, it is poetic and poignant and it's the song that got me into Jackson Browne in the first place.

I Wanna Know, Joe
This is a really bad song. Spring 2000, senior year in college, hanging out with Ed the football player in that yellow house on 1700 South. The house isn't yellow anymore.

Fuck and Run, Liz Phair
True story. And it keeps repeating itself. Not cool. Great song though.

Lost in the Supermarket, The Clash
I just love this song. RIP Joe Strummer.

Monty, Pouya and I went out tonight to celebrate Monty's divorce being finalized. And what does your favorite insomniac suggest? Why coffee of course! We shared a few cups and some good conversation at Salt Lake Roasting Company. Topics up for discussion: morning wood, working out, the fat content of cheese, aforementioned quandary (just for the record, I will NOT be taking Monty's advice on this one), my crazy ass family, sex, monogamy, more sex, Tenacious D. It was a good night.

This is on the sidewalk outside of Roast. It used to say Trust it's Trent. I'd like to think it's Trent Reznor.

Pouya and me

Monty enjoying some chai

Quick note on the Iowa caucus: Huckabee??? Really?? Yay for Obama though!


Chris said...

I think you should get Monty a Fleshlight as a Your Divorce Is Final gift.

Leslie said...

Holy shit, Huckabee? We are doomed. You are seriously the best! Just remember, who would Jesus vote for?

Anonymous said...

I Wanna Know is a fantastic song.

How do you say "Pouya"? Is it like BOO-YAH! I hope so.

Jessica said...

It's more like Poy-ya...not poo. I wanna Know is a terrible song, but it's good for sex.

Anonymous said...

your hair is LONG.