Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend Update

I had a fabulous weekend! My sister Aimee, her boyfriend Jack and my nephews were in town from Dallas. I hadn't seen them since October...it's so hard to have them live so far away.  We started off with lunch at Pat's BBQ.  SO good!  Jack said it even rivaled Texas BBQ so if you enjoy lots of meat (and who doesn't??) it's highly recommended.

Braden enjoyed his rib

Aimee and Macklin

Auntie J and Braden

The rest of the day we hung out in the sunshine, dug some holes and ate graham crackers.

Spiderman made an appearance and helped plant some seeds

Later I took Aimee and Jack out to Murphy's to meet some of my friends.

Me, Aimee, Jack, Monty

Some of you may remember my old friend Ryan! He was in town from Austin for a wedding. I missed him! We're still BFF after all these years...

Aimee hadn't seen Ryan in years...this is how she shows her love

Even Scottie dropped by and graced us with his presence

Jack sandwich

Mont did a nice impression of Ryan

Here's his impression of Sonny from a few weeks ago. Monty will have to be his proxy since Sonny was lame and went home early to go to bed.

Ry tired to fix my hair...a bit too edgy for me

Mabe and Les

Monty and Allen have become really close since that one night at Sound

Friday afternoon we drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Jack had never really seen big mountains and he was impressed!

Mack made a snow angel

Aimee and Jack

Me and Aimee

Friday night was the Jazz game and they kicked the Spurs' asses!

Saturday afternoon we went bowling. When Macklin says his nightly prayers he has asked God very politely to let him go bowling so we had to go!

Paige had the distinction of having the lowest score the first game and the highest score the second game

Braden tried to bowl, but the ball weighed more than he does

Later I was off to Ryan's niece's wedding. I had to go all the way to Utah County and reception was outside on the damn rooftop! But I got to dance later so I was ok with it.

Ryan and me

Ry and his sister Allison

This could be our family if we were still together like it was 1995

I dragged Ry out to the dance floor and he was not amused 

Brunch and family party on Sunday

Auntie J and Braden


Mack made some Spiderman brownies

Paige and Mack

My mom showing the boys how to bust a move

Mack self-portrait



Jed said...

Um, you look absolutely GORGEOUS in those wedding pictures. WOW!

Jessica said...

It's just becuase my hair is parted on a different side. :)