Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello, My Name is Jessica and I'm an Addict

It's official, I have a problem. I'm addicted to Arrested Development. Lesley and Sonny have been after me for months to watch it and I impulsively bought the first season last week. Bad move. Like my good friend Smokey Robinson says, a taste of honey is worse than none at all. Now it's all I can think about and I had to run out and buy the next 2 seasons so I could stop the shakes from withdrawal.  The good news is I will now be able to follow conversations between Lesley and Sonny without feeling like an idiot, since I will get all of their jokes. Also, I think I might be in love with Will Arnett...Amy Pohler better watch her back!


Anonymous said...

I never really watched AD when it was on, and when I did occasionally catch one, I was mostly confused.

But I've been watching the shows sequentially on lately and I finally get it. Tobias (real name?) is probably my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I'm just now catching up on your blog, and Will Arnet is totally hot! Love the look and voice!!!