Monday, September 29, 2008

Confessions Du Jour

I was tagged again. Seriously, I'm not making this up. I promise this is the last one I'll do for awhile. It's kind of exciting because it's all about secrets! Now I've already shared a few secrets here before and it is somewhat liberating. So here's the rule, 5 confessions for 5 people: Leslie, Scott, Becky, Audrey and Jessica.  

1. I really hate styrofoam. I hate the sound it makes when two pieces rub together, I hate the way it feels.  All of it: plates, cups, coolers, the stupid green craft blocks you stick fake flowers in. Gives me the chills just thinking about it. Plus it's just bad for the environment...get rid of it already!

2. I eat cereal for dinner all of the time. And not the good kind of cereal like Wheat Chex or Grape Nuts or even organic Kashi shit. No. My favorites are: Cocoa Pebbles, Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and for Halloween I include Count Chocula and Frankenberry.

3. I like some really embarrassing music as showcased in my iTunes Hall of Shame. I once wrote about that music in jest, but I really do like Air Supply.  Case in point: I even play Making Love Out of Nothing At All on the juke box at Murphy's. How embarrassing for me. Metra recently told me she enjoys a little Air Supply too, so now I don't have to feel alone in my shame.  

4. I saw the movie House when I was like 7 and there was this hand that comes out of the toilet to grab someone and it really freaked me out. I think about that movie almost every time I go to the bathroom. It has scarred me for life. I haven't seen the movie since; perhaps I should watch it again and reclaim my toilet.  

5. I have no idea what my natural hair color is. I mean, it's obviously some shade of blonde, but I've been coloring it for so long I wonder what it really looks like. 

PS: If you enjoy reading about other people's secrets check out the Post Secret blog. If you enjoy reading about other people's neuroses check out I Am Neurotic.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Damn it! I guess that's what I get for telling you you're supposed to tag someone else. I'll have to think of some good secrets that I can actually post! You know all the good ones that I can't!