Sunday, September 14, 2008

Political Fodder

I thought my readers might enjoy these little parodies. Especially those of you in Utah, since Les Miserables seems to be a state obsession. I love that McCain makes a little appearance. Thanks to Bob for passing these on.

This made me laugh. A lot.


Jessica said...

First of all I have to say thank you. Thank you for being one of the only people who spells "a lot" correctly. People have been riding my case lately and do not beleive me that it is not spelled alot!
I may not punctuate correctly, but I remember I know how to use a lot correctly. Anyway...
Oh, and the SNL skit had me in stiches. How did they not just crack up at eachother?

Jessica said...

Well I'm pretty anal about spelling and grammar so I always spell a lot correctly. :) The other one that bugs me is when people spell no one like this: noone. It's two words people!