Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long time no see

Wow. It's been a really, really long time since I've written a blog. I've been out of commission due to a nasty cold. Don't worry dear readers, I'm on the mend now. However, being sick does not lead to good blog material. You'll just have to deal with it.

My mind is a bit foggy about what even occurred last week. I know there was dinner with Allen, some beer was involved. After that, I fell into a sickness abyss. I did drag myself out of bed on Friday night for my sister's 19th birthday party at Benihanas. Happy Birthday Kirsten!!

My grandpa really likes the taste of beer, but doesn't drink alcohol so sometimes he orders an O'Douls. Well I had ordered a Sapporo so we decided to have a blind taste test to see if I could tell them apart. I had never tried non-alcoholic beer...because really, what's the point?

It took me a while to figure it out, they were quite similar. But in the end I guessed correctly. The O'Douls was not as carbonated. So now I know.

Paige and Nolan being real mature

My parents

Travis, Kirsten, Sadie

Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Ralph

Our fancy chef

Kirsten and one of her many presents

So other than that, I didn't do anything except sleep, lay on the couch and watch countless episodes of Nip/Tuck. I did find a very funny blog that made me laugh: Stuff White People Like. Hilarious satire.


Jabortnik said...

I'm a bit partial to lesson #79!! I'm totally subscribing to the recommended blog.. Thanks for finally writing!

Jessica said...

Ry I just knew you would appreciate that blog. :) SO you and Scott. You're so white!