Monday, March 10, 2008

I've been tagged!

Where were you born? Salt Lake City, UT

Middle name: I hate this question. For the last time...I don't have one and no, I don't want to make one up for myself.

How old will you be this year? Yikes! I'll be 30 in July.

Nicknames: J, JDru, Peppa

Are you taller than your mother or father? No, I am shorter than both of them.

Do you cry often during movies? Yes

What is your biggest pet peeve? Do you have some time? There are quite a few things that irritate me. :) Today someone kept pronouncing the word wolf as woof and that was driving me INSANE! Other things that bug me: people who leave the toilet seat AND lid up, slow drivers, oblivious people, poor grammar and people who type in all caps.

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite foods: Suhsi, Mexican, any kind of seafood, ice cream

Favorite restaurants: The Other Place, Oyster Bar, Bombay House, Pub, Ichiban, Settebello

Favorite beverage: Iced tea, beer, coffee, tea

Favorite cold cereal: Cocoa Pebbles, Cap'n Crunch

Favorite smells: Garlic, cookies, rain

Favorite time of day: Early evening

What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Sunsilk right now

Favorite make-up products? Mascara...otherwise you can't see my eyelashes

How many pillows do you sleep with? Two

Do you play an instrument? Piano and flute

Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes, but it's been awhile

Did you do any sports in High School? Volleyball

What was the last movie you saw in the theater? In Bruges

What is your favorite article of clothing? I don't know.

What is your dream vacation? Africa

What was your first impression of your spouse? I'm ALL alone.

If you were an animal what would you be? Someone just asked me this in an interview today. The first thing that came to my mind was a bunny. Don't ask me why.

What is your favorite “me- time” activity? Reading other people's blogs.

Favorite TV shows: Dancing With the Stars, Law and Order, The Office

What is your dream car? I really like Mini Coopers

What is one of your weaknesses? Boys, beer, candy, shoes.

What do you fix for dinner when there’s nothing to fix? Cereal

If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? Late 60s/early 70s and I would work for Rolling Stone.

Do you consider yourself outgoing? Yes, most of the time.

What is something you are constantly working on? Cleaning my house!

Any hidden talents? I can make a pretty good party punch and I'm really good at wrapping presents.

What is a word or phrase you overuse? "I am not amused!" "No judgment!"

What is the worst thing that happened to you this past year? Last year was a big year for personal growth, but I can't think of anything really bad that happened. Hmmm...maybe having to share a hotel room with my hideous co-worker for a week.

What is the best thing that happened to you this past year? Being able to visit ALL of my very best friends: Derek, Amy, Sarah, Ryan and Jed.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? Save some money!!

The best piece of advice you learned this past year? In December Jed told me, "All you can control is yourself." True story! Although I'm not so sure I can even control myself sometimes.


Bob said...

You forgot to tag someone....

Jessica said...

Well I wasn't going to tag anyone...don't people find these things annoying? But since you said something, I guess you're it! :)

Briana Ward said...

Hey, I do not have a middle name either and am ok with it. Why is it that people find this hard to believe?
Glad you had a great weekend! love the pic's.

Leslie said...

Dude, you forgot your infamous jr. high nickname-- Sheldon. I love your blog!