Monday, December 31, 2007

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to escape."
James Joyce

I ran across this quote the other day and I find it very applicable to my own life history. This past year has been one of my toughest, yet most rewarding. I have gone through tremendous personal growth, but old habits die hard. I keep finding myself doing the same thing over and over and over again. Jed and I were talking about this yesterday and he said, "Live and learn." I replied, "No, I think I just live."

I have this weird dichotomous personality. Generally, I am very structured, organized and controlled...except when it comes to my emotions. I tend to be an open book when really I should just shut my mouth. Sometimes I wish I could be the really mysterious girl...the one who always makes you wonder what she's thinking. But no, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I guess this is a good quality most of the time. However, it does end up making me vulnerable and exposed, which inevitably leads to me getting hurt. Perhaps going through that process over and over and over again is how one lives AND learns.

"I must learn to love the fool in me-the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled masterful tyrant whom I also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility and dignity but for my fool."
Theodore I. Rubin

On to the highlights of 2007!

January: I made an impromptu trip to Seattle to visit Derek!

I think Derek belongs on a J.Crew catalogue

February: Pittsburgh (or as I like to call it, the P-burgh; Amy calls it the Pitts) to see Amy!
This is the best picture I have because we spent a lot of time waiting for her pipes to unfreeze. We passed the time by watching Intervention (and crying), eating a lot of ice cream and drinking in bed. Other than that, I was in the back seat of her car playing air drums to Yr Mangled Heart on repeat. Good times!

I don't have any pictures for March...I don't remember why. But I did go to Orlando for a work conference.

April: Aimee and Braden come to visit!

Also in April: Paige, my mom and I joined Juan Diego at Displace Me in Denver. Read more about Displace Me and Invisible Children.

Our house for the night

May: Phoenix for Sarah's birthday (which is actually June 1)! Amy even left the Pitts to help us celebrate. True what?

Amy's throwing one back. But don't judge her, she's on vacation!

June: Off to Texas to stay with my nephews Macklin and Braden for a week!
My sisters Paige and Aimee with me. I like to call them twins even though they're 11 years apart.



I took a little road trip and drove to Austin for a visit with Ryan and Scott.

July: Happy Birthday to me! Amy came to visit the S.L.C. Unfortunately I don't have too many pictures because my camera got run over on the Alpine Slide. So sad!
Birthday fun started at Juniors with Monty, Scott and Amy

I took Amy up to Snowbird and she loved it!

August: Teagan's 3rd Birthday
My nephew Teagan

Me and Scarlett, my niece

September: Phoenix again for another work-vacation

October: New York to see Jed and Chris

My mom loved the tranny at Lipps!

Also in October: Aimee, Braden and Macklin visit SLC...and so do Jed and Chris!

Braden, Aimee and Mack

I'll give you one billion dollars...

A small datenight reunion: Scott, Monty, Aimee, me, Allen, Jed

November: I was sick with bronchitis for most of November so the only fun thing I did was go to Scott's 24th birthday party.

Mel and me


Chris said...

Oh, Lips...

Violet said...

Don't give up your open heart - it's why I admire you so much :)