Anyway, I thought I would post some pictures from Christmas. It was a little different this year since my parents have recently split up. But I had a great holiday and I'm so glad I got to see everyone, even if it didn't all happen in one house.
Christmas Eve started with lunch/presents at my dad's with Kirsten and Paige.
After playing with the crab legs, we finally got to eat them! Except Paige was her usual picky self and ate pizza.
Next stop was G-ma Shirley's and G-pa Ralph's for the traditional Christmas Eve celebration. We had lots of family in from out of town and that meant lots of babies! A few people weren't able to come and we missed them and definitely had them in our thoughts.
Abbie and Haven
Alexis, the newest addition to our family. She's only 4 days old!
Pouya stopped by for a visit and I was pretty impressed with his fake carol singing skills. Here he is with Monty, me and my mom.
I got one picture of Wil...he wouldn't hold still for long. He reminds me so much of his uncle Jeddy, what a precocious kid!
I woke up at 7 am on Christmas morning and anxiously waited for everyone else to awaken. By 8 I was chomping at the bit so I went and bothered Paige until she got out of bed. Here she is with a new hat and a new Ayn Rand book.
Kirsten got a sweet Andy Warhol bag from Paige
After presents I ran over to Greg's for breakfast and helped shovel some snow. Then it was on to my other dad's to visit and see the fam. Here are Teagan and Scarlett being the cutest kids I've ever seen.
I stopped by Sarah's house for a bit to exchange presents. We gave each other Superbad...samesies! We know each other way too well.
Then it was on to my aunt Marianne's for dinner and games.
My mom and Kathryn
I also fit in a call to Jed on my way to Marianne's. I miss him so much!! Here's a picture of him just to make you smile.
It was a crazy couple of days but I loved every minute of it. Thanks to everyone for sharing your holidays with me!
Yay! I'm excited you have a blog. It was great to see photos of you and your family (and by the way, you look fantastic!) That one of Jed is great...I haven't seen him since jr. high!
Thanks for the comment on my blog! I love the pictures you posted here. That's hilarious that you and Sarah gave each other Superbad. Such good friends.
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