Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Every Picture Tells a Story

Wow. It's been forever since I've posted anything. First off, yay for Barack winning the election! Second, I'm leaving for New Orleans tomorrow so I don't have very much time to write. Consequently, this blog will have to be mostly pictorial in nature.

I went to a couple of Halloween parties. I'm not really that into Halloween or dressing up at all for that matter. But I decided to play along this year, so I was Annie Hall at Les and Sonny's party.

I didn't dress up for the other Halloween party, but I had several shots of something called acid and had a great time!

Heather's family came up from Moab and my G-ma turned 80!

Mabe and Bill had an Election Night party and we ate some traditional Alaskan fare: moose steaks, salmon and Alaska Amber. Bill shot the 1400 pound moose himself! Unfortunately, my camera battery died so I don't have too many pictures. We ended up celebrating (drinking, laughing, playing Wii) until 5 am. Go Obama!

Last Friday I went to the Prop 8 protest at Temple Square with Metra and Jen. 3000 people showed up to support marriage equality and it was awesome!

Later on we ventured over to book club at Diane's to discuss the Story of O. This book is not for the faint of heart. It was an unusual selection for us, but the discussion was certainly interesting. I wish I could repeat some of the sordid details, but they're just a little bit too risque for the general public.

Monty and I finally resumed our ethnic tour of Salt Lake. It had been way too long...spring sometime? I think it was the Tibetan place. Anyway, we ended up at Vienna Bistro, ate some cheese, delicious food we couldn't pronounce and drank a lot of strong beer. Afterwards we headed over to the Broadway to see Religulous. I'm happy to say I was able to see the entire movie this time without being accosted by a drunk man.

Some other cool stuff I've done lately: got my haircut, Jazz game with Monty, went to the ballet with my mom, saw the Body Worlds exhibit. I'm so, so excited to get to New Orleans tomorrow for my visit with Amy. It has been way too long since I've seen her! I'm looking forward to trying a hand grenade (per Brian's instructions), eating some crawfish and driving aimlessly around the city playing air drums.

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