Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend and other philosophical musings

Soundtrack for tonight's blogging is twofold:

1. Liz Phair, Liz Phair
This album took awhile to grow on me. If you're a fan of Liz Phair you know this one sounds a little poppier (is that a word?) than her earlier stuff. I've definitely become a fan over the years, but nothing tops Exile in Guyville or White Chocolate Space Egg. Not familiar with Liz Phair? Run, don't walk, to the nearest store or iTunes to give her a listen.  

Favorite song: Extraordinary 
Runner Ups: Rock Me and Red Light Fever

2. Kathleen Edwards, Failer
This CD reminds me of driving around Chicago with Amy in 2003. Going grocery shopping at Domincks on Canal, driving up Lake Shore Drive to meet the peeps Up North, the liquor store on 53rd, Jimmy's, etc. We had some good times in that blue Honda Accord. We also got to see Kathleen Edwards live at Park West in Lincoln Park. Great show. I remember that Amy was embarrassed because I sang along with the songs, the drinks were expensive and we both wondered if Kathleen was having an affair with the guitar player.  She has two other albums out, both good. Check her out!  

Favorite song: Six O'Clock News (song starts at 1:25)
Runner Up: Westby

Weekend was mellow. I did a bunch of hanging out and drinking, nothing exciting. I'm ashamed to say I was at Murphys on Thursday AND Friday. I'm even more ashamed to say I was at Juniors on Thursday, Friday AND Saturday. It's quite sad when all the bartenders know who you are and what you usually drink. But it's also cool in a Cheers everybody knows your name sort of way. My life is sad. I could have done something useful with my time, but I didn't. Although I did buy some plants at the Planned Parenthood fundraiser at Cactus and Tropicals so there's my good deed for the weekend.  I bought a jade plant because I used to have one in Chicago and I loved it. This is not my jade plant, but I like this pot better than mine. Also, I'm too lazy to go take a picture of my own damn plant.  

I've been in my head a lot the past few days. I tend to over-analyze everything and consequently make myself feel like shit. Why is it that I am my own worst enemy? I swear I try to sabotage myself sometimes. I've needed a lot of distraction to function. So in order to avoid all of this over thinking and self-destruction I've recently done unhealthy stuff like this to cope:
  • Immersed myself in work and other people's problems
  • Drank too much
  • Taken sleeping pills to stop my mind from reeling, but mostly so I didn't have to deal with feeling anything
  • Eaten 3 bowls of Cocoa Krispies for dinner instead of cooking
  • Watched almost 4 hours of Twin Peaks on Saturday when I should have been outside
  • Read an entire book on Sunday instead of talking to people (although I did take a break to eat dinner and play bocce ball with my family)
The book I read was actually quite good and proved to be a great way to occupy my mind with suspense and romance. Twilight!

I bought this book more than a year ago, I just hadn't gotten around to reading it. Apparently everyone on Earth has read it except for me. Now I'm hooked.  I will be buying the other two books tomorrow to take on my trip to Phoenix. Highly recommended!


Leslie said...

I'm glad you finally got around to reading Twilight. I was reading it during a tough time (which you know all about!) and it was a great distraction for me as well. She has a new book out now, The Host, that I am going to check out. I've heard it's good, and more for adults. Not to add yet another book to your list, but read it so we can talk about it on our next dramatic lunch date!

Anonymous said...

What in the mutha hell? My Honda was black, betch. Open your eyes!

Jessica said...

Listen girl...this betch hasn't seen that old ass Honda for 5 years! Blue, black whatever. I know it was tan on the inside. I think.