Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Change We Need

Wow.  I didn't expect to react so strongly to the news that Barack Obama is now the official Democratic nominee.  I was moved to tears when the historic announcement was made. We have a black man as the Presidential nominee! The whole convention has been filled with strong emotions and I am so proud to say I'm a Democrat. Proud of the progress, humanity and unity that are the core ideals of the party.  

If you haven't seen any of the DNC speeches, here are the highlights:

Michelle Obama
"Obama will bring change."

Dennis Kucinich: I love him!!
"Wake up America!"

Ted Kennedy
"New Hope"

Hillary Clinton
"No way, no how, no McCain!"

Bill Clinton
"Obama is ready to be President."

Joe Biden (full speech not online yet)
"That's not change, that's more of the same!"

I can't wait to hear Barack speak tomorrow night.  I find it strangely coincidental that he will be accepting the nomination on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I'm looking forward to November's election with great anticipation and I have faith that America will make the choice for change, for hope, for Obama.  


Jessica said...

I am ready for change, so much so that this non political gal has been following this election to no end. But I am not sold on either candidate, and not sure if I will be by the time November rolls around.

Jessica said...

I think it's ok if you haven't chosen a candidate. The important thing is you're paying more attention and starting to care about what's going on. I obviously have a bias, but I think the ultimate goal should be getting people more involved in political processes. November will be nothing if not interesting!